Hi, my name is Conor.

I'm a meditation teacher and a spiritual guide, but I haven't always been so chill. 

Before I learned to meditate I worked for years as a reporter for the Guardian and Vice Magazine covering warzones, drug culture, and the rise of the far-right.  

I came to meditation in 2012, and quickly became immersed in the study of Vipassana meditation. I've trained in India with the Dalai Lama, and at the Redwood Institute in San Francisco. 

My teaching is a cross-pollination of ancient techniques and contemporary wisdom, and just a bit of street smarts - I’ve experienced a good dose of depression, addiction, and holy fuck moments in my life.

I would say I'm a down-to-earth teacher, and a natural story-teller, a skill I've learned in part from many years of writing articles, and at the side hustle I did for much of my life: bartending.